Thank You! 2

Thank you for your time, attention, and valuable comments. Since setting down the draft proposed text of the revised Zoning Regulations for public review and comment on September 9, 2013, the Zoning Commission and Office of Planning have heard a number of suggestions and ideas through the public hearing and community outreach process. In fact, the Zoning Commission has so far received more than 1,100 public comments since setting down the draft proposed text on September 9, 2013. A summary of comments received can be viewed in the case record (Z.C. Case No. 08-06A) here and here.

Having heard the extensive public comment and testimony, the Zoning Commission asked the Office of Planning to evaluate alternatives to specific proposals, and to draft text that could refine the proposed Zoning Regulations – an interim measure to try to address some issues raised to date. The Office of Planning report, which was delivered to the Zoning Commission on June 16th, contains detailed information about the alternative proposals, including draft text, and can be viewed here.

The alternatives proposed by OP, summarized below, respond to comments received to date; however, the Zoning Commission stressed that the record in the case remains open through September 15, 2014, and that additional comments are welcome. While the alternatives presented address many of the key issues identified, the proposed text does not respond to all comments raised during the public input process. Stay tuned – the Office of Planning will continue to post additional information here on the blog about these proposals, and any other proposed changes.

(click to enlarge)




  1. The text above says ” the Zoning Commission stressed that the record in the case remains open through September 15, 2014, and that additional comments are welcome.”

    Where can we submit additional comments?

    Thank you,

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