OP has prepared a summary of the Zoning Regulation Review (ZRR) proposals as they specifically relate to each individual Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) in DC – available here, on the OP ZRR website, and as part of the ZRR official record at http://www.dcoz.dc.gov. There are 40 ANCs in the District – if you are not sure which ANC you are in, please go to http://anc.dc.gov, or contact OP and we can find this information for you.
Each summary provides a bit of background on the ZRR process and a description of current and next steps, but they mostly address the question “what is of relevance to my ANC?”. Topics covered include zone naming, including a list of zones in your ANC (slide 7); use permissions; low density residential; parking; accessory apartment; alley lot; corner store; commercial zoning; industrial zoning; downtown; and campus / school plan proposed provisions. Maps are included to help you locate where various provisions would, or would not, apply within your ANC and your neighborhood.

Copies of the ZRR summary (electronic and hard copy) are being emailed and mailed to each ANC commissioner
Each summary is based on the version of the proposed text which was set down by the Zoning Commission (ZC) on September 9, 2013 for public hearing. A paper copy of the September 9th version is available at each DC public library and a disc copy was provided to each ANC in September 2013. Copies of the full text are also available on our ZRR website and the Office of Zoning website.
Copies of this summary (electronic and hard copy) are being emailed and mailed to each ANC commissioner, and are also uploaded into the Office of Zoning ZRR record (08-06A). If you have questions about or comments on OP’s ZRR proposals, please feel free to contact us at , or please attend one of the open houses we are holding in March – dates and times of the remaining open houses are (click to enlarge):
Please provide the link so I can find the ZRR for ANC3E. An ANC3/4G commissioner posted their version on the Chevy Chase listserv, but as far as I can tell this has not been done for ANC3E. BTW, when I clicked the link to the OP ZRR website I was taken to a non-functioning page requesting a renewal of the domain???